Hi Gang
BIG THANKS to Dr. Parisa Meymand who sponsored Kewpee's hamburgers and fries for lunch today at the Alumni House. Dick Peterson came empty handed. He was sent back to his car 3 times. The guys couldn't believe he came empty handed. No homemade Fudge, Key Lime Pie, Peanut Butter Cookies, Brownies, Watermelon, Candy - NOTHING !!!
Dick said he did bake Cinnamon Muffins with Apples this morning, but ate most himself.
Terry Toll brought an O & H Kringle compliments of Jim Rasmussen. Thanks to Jim as well.
On Hand: Ed DeMeulenaere, Dr. Ron Kraus, Jeff Pulda, Marie Welsh, Tom Krug,
Jack Kelley, Terry Toll, Bobby Letsch, Ryan Andersen, Dave Benjamin, George Oteman, George Gordon, Joe Woitach, Dick Peterson, Chris Gorman, Fred Rose, Dan Kovara,
Kory Borek, Cintia Sanchez, Bob Letsch, Jeff Tarkowski, Gary Schonert, Kathy Poulsen, Dave O'Brien, Dr. Parisa Meymand, Erin McCarville, Mike Arendt, Chris Sosnay,
Craig Savage, Angela Johnson, Heather Collum, John Busey
It was a pleasure to have Fred Rose join us along with his daughter Heather (Rose) Collum
SCHS Asst. Principal. Both are Lutheran HS grads. Fred played basketball for Willie Eickhorst and ran Track for Dick Bode. He was the Racine Lutheran Board Chairperson when they hired Dave Burgess as Executive Director-Principal.
L-R: Heather (Rose) Collum, SCHS Asst. Principal, with dad Fred Rose, an onLine college professor in Electrical Engineering, and Angela Johnson, SCHS Guidance Counselor
Cribbage: Chris Gorman/Terry Toll beat up on newcomer Fred Rose and his partner Dave O'Brien. Terry left and Bob Letsch/Chris Gorman continued beating up on Fred & Dave.
On the main table: Dave Benjamin/CW defeated Bobby Letsch/George Gordon 3 straight. Bobby wined, wined, wined (Dave Benjamin asked Bobby if he wanted any cheese with his wine !!!) Good sports Dave/CW allowed them to win the next 3 games.The 7th and deciding game went to Dave/ CW in a rout with them getting very few good cards, but astute playing carried them to victory by a large margin.
• Angel Fest Cribbage Champion was none other than Mike Arendt, SCHS Principal.
• Remember the old UW-Wisconsin Extension Building in the park on Main……
Prayers for the families of departed Angels…………
Volunteering to assist with the WIAA Regional Golf Tourney Tuesday May 24th at Ives Grove: Ryan Andersen, Dave Benjamin, Dick Graceffa, Bobby Letsch.
"Voice of the Angels" Terry Toll will serve as official announcer for the WIAA Sectional Baseball Tournament at Horlick Field Tuesday June 7th.
Prayers for Alumni & Friends dealing with Health issues:
Chris Gorman Ankle Surgery: latest a 5th surgery may be on the horizon come Sept.
Jeff Tarkowski went to hospital last Monday, they checked and no apparent problem but he is still wearing a heart monitor.
Dr. Parisa rehabbing and dealing with Kidney Stones.
Brenda White rehabbing from recent chemotherapy treatments.
Dick Peterson dealing with a disabled wire in his pacemaker.
Tim Letsch has a blood clot in his leg and strained calf muscle from pickle ball.
Pete Schiro needs Shoulder Surgery.
Rick Jones still in therapy for his shoulder issue.
Jim Poulsen is going to therapy for Carpal Tunnel and he's back golfing.
Fr. Ron Crewe had two teeth pulled and whole right side of jaw black/blue.
Dick Ruetz is recovering beautifully from recent neck surgery.
Dan DeMatthew was seeing his doc for new meds to help his flexibility.
Gary Schonert came in limping - knee hurting !!!
Dave O'Brien is beginning a new workout program to help his breathing
Others needing prayers: Jack Kelley, Larry Benjamin, Dave Benjamin, Todd Pettit,
Bob Garrity, Mike Iggulden, Helen Miller, Tom Konieczko, Kathy Wirtz, Dave O’Brien,
Bob Letsch, Dick Peterson, Dick Albregts' wife, Rudy Weibel's wife, Tom Krug’s wife,
Dan Peterson’s wife having cataract surgery on the other eye ASAP.
Important Dates:
• Angel Golfers play every Thursday at Ives Grove - teeing off at 8:30.
We play 9 holes - Scramble format. Join us and you'll be put in a foursome.
• Friday June 10th Ives Grove - Knights of Columbus 4th Annual Golf Outing
Registration: May 20th - $100.00 - Scramble Format
Registration/Details Contact:
Ken Sack (262-488-3807) Jim Sisak (262-884-9505)
Steve Jansta (262-554-6376) or janstasteve@att.net
• Monday July 18th - Angel Golf Classic at Meadowbrook CC
• Friday September 30th - McGuire/Letsch Golf Scramble Ives Grove Golf Course
Angel Athletics May 9th -14th