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Monday July 31, 2023

Updated: Aug 5, 2023

BIG THANKS to Terry Kovara & Dan Kovara for sponsoring lunch today. Hot Dogs with all the Fix'ins, Beans & Chips. They also brought a delicious dessert.

Jerry Jardina brought a pan of Brownies his wife Linda made - finger licking good.

Terry Kovara '64, Dan Kovara '65

Joining Us: Terry Kovara, Dan Kovara,, Frank D'Acquisto, Bobby Letsch Jr, Rick Jones,

Jack Kelley, Dan Bentz, Joe Woitach, Dick Heidenreich, Tom Konieczko, Jerry Jardina,

Tom Clazmer, Jerry, Tom's grandson, George Gordon, George Oteman, Dave O'Brien,

John Ketarkus, Cathy Poulsen, Marie Welsh, Joe Ingrasci, Bob Broihier, Dave Benjamin,

Gary Schonert, Alia Onaczynski, Chelsea Ostrov, Ryan Andersen,Tom Goebel, Terry Toll, Bob Letsch, Chris Gorman, Joe Macareno, Marty Defatte, Mark Mano, Roger DeMark,

Rick Bonanno, Charley Presta, Dan DeMatthew, Don Klemt, Amy DeMatthew, Rick Ropiak,

Ed DeMeulenaere, Mike Arendt, Gary Alvarado

Tom Clazmer with grandson Jerry his Uber driver

• Bob Broihier brought a Get Well Card for the gang to sign for Fr. Ron Crewe, who remains in the hospital - prayers.............

• Special Guests:

Marty DeFatte '58 H, Marty is the Realitor who assisted with the purchase of the Alumni House back in 2004, a retired Racine Police Officer.

He also helped establish the Thelma Orr COP House at 1146 Villa.

PS: Marty married a SCHS Angel, Donna Lamers '60 - He can't be all bad !!!

• Cribbage - Table 1:

Bob Letsch/ Bobby Letsch Jr - Don Klemt/ George Gordon - Dick Heidenreich/ Joe Macareno

The Letsch's won 2 out of 3 - Macareno & Klemt departed.

Heidenreich/Wood teamed to defeat Letsch/Gordon & DeMatthew/ Letsch Jr 2-0

One team was "Skunked"

• Table 2:

Mark Mano/ Dan DeMatthew defeated Charley Presta/ Rick Bonanno 2 out 0f 3. One team was "Skunked"

Dan left - Mark then teamed with Frank D'Acquisto (not a good choice) and lost 2 out of 3 to Charley & Rick - Frank then had to leave.

* Table 3:

Dave O'Brien/ CWood defeated Chris Gorman/ Terry Toll 2 out of 3. Terry left and Dan DeMatthew/ Chris Gorman split with Wood/O'Brien 1-1

• Great Opportunity for you, family member, friend or neighbor....................

St. Catherine's is in need of the following coaches for this fall.

If interested please contact Tyson Tlachac at

  1. Head Varsity Boys Volleyball Coach- Season begins on August 14th with regionals beginning on October 20th

  2. Head Girls Golf Coach- Season begins August 7th with regionals beginning on September 27th

  3. Assistant Girls Volleyball Coaches- Season begins on August 14th with reginals beginning on October 19th

  4. Assistant Boys Soccer Coach- Season begins on August 14th with regionals beginning on October 17th

Tyson Tlachac Activities and Athletic Director, M. Ed., CAA 262-632-2785 ext. 408 1200 Park Avenue; Racine, WI 53403

• Angels Connecting..................

• Class of '58......

Will be gathering Saturday August 5th for their '65 Reunion at the Alumni House for lunch.

• Class of "65......

The Class of '65 will be golfing............

STILL CRAZY - Greensboro Sunday, Sept. 17th -- Thursday, Sept. 21st, 2023

• Class of '78........

• SPREAD THE WORD............

• Purchase your Angels Items online. Click on......

• Angels In the News.........

• Racine News..........

• Prayers for the families of departed Angels and Friends......

• Prayers for Alumni & Friends dealing with Health issues:

  • Tom Clazmer's uses a walker and dealing with heath issues.

  • Barb (Bohn) Jarapko '60 dealing with health issues.

  • Cintia Sanchez Bilingual Admissions Coordinator is back to work parttime.

  • Joe Ingrasci dealing with a new heart issue. - waiting for possible Pacemaker.

  • Former SCHS Golf Coach Dave Arkenburg - led them to 2nd place at State Golf in 2018. Dave is dealing with serious health issue. Sarah Busey '18 led the Angels and won Individual State honors.

  • Jim Poulsen at Ascension Living- Lakeshore at Siena. Using a walker getting better, confused at times. Hopes to move back to St Monica's - you are encouraged to visit.

  • Don Hansen dealing with COPD

  • Rob Gordon using braces on his legs

  • Victor Moreno difficulty walking - leg issues

  • Jeff DeMatthew had his 3rd Heart Ablation

  • Doug Andrewski is in need of a Kidney Transplant

  • Fr. Ron Crewe is recuperating back at Elizabeth Gardens in Oak Creek

  • Rick Cramer is up and out and about

  • Roger DeMark spent a few days in hospital with Covid. At the Alumni House today very pal and not himself

  • Vince Angel '65 dealing with very serious Health issues

  • Dan DeMatthew slowly healing his 5 broken ribs from his wheelchair crash

  • Pat (Ingrasci) Nielsen going to have Catarac Surgery - One eyes is done & healing

• Special Prayers needed for:

Chris & Sue Gorman's grandson Eli, Don Heck, Tom Konieczko, Rick Cramer, Tom Pulda, Dave O'Brien, George Gordon, Bob Letsch, Jack Kelley, Bob Garrity, Gary Schonert, Kathy (Hackl) Wirtz, Jim Poulsen, Mickey Postorino, Helen (Willmes) Miller, Mike O'Brien, Dick Albregts' wife, Rudy Weibel's wife, Tom Krug’s wife, Del Alton's wife, Bill Halberstadt's wife, Dan Peterson's wife, Pat (Peters) Obernberger

Important Dates:

Schonert's Annual Picnic - Monday August 14th - Alumni House Closed

4516 Harvest Ln. - North of 5 Mile - South of 6 Mile off HWY 31 or HWY 32

• Labor Day - Monday Sept 4th - Alumni House Closed

• Preservation Racine Tour of Alumni House - Sunday Sept 24th noon - 5:30pm

• McGuire/Letsch Scramble - Ives Grove - Friday Sept 29th

Register on-line at - today !!!

Angel Athletics - Off for the Summer

Be Safe - Be Healthy - Be Positive



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