Hi Gang
Big Thanks to Chris & Sue Gorman who sponsored Chick-fil-A for today’s lunch.
They provided Chicken Strips & Potato Salad. It was delicious.
Dick Peterson brought his famous Key Lime Pie - all gone !!!
Dick also brought us a stained glass table frame of his grandson's recent wedding photo.
His daughter Beth ’79, a talented stained-glass artist, created the frame.
Joining the gang today: Tom Konieczko, Rick Jones, Dick Heidenreich, Jeff Pulda, Jack Kelley, Terry Toll, Don Klemt, Bob Letsch, Tom Goebel, Fr Ron Crewe, Bobby Letsch, Dan DeMatthew, Ryan Andersen, Gary Schonert, Mike Hyduke, George Oteman, George Gordon, Joe Woitach, Chris Gorman, Sue Gorman, Rick Ropiak, Tom Clazmer, Dick Peterson, Kory Borek, Samantha Repischak, Cinti Sanchez, Tom Scheller, Frank D’Acquisto, Amy DeMatthew, Erin McCarville, Chris Sosnay, Kathy Poulsen.
We welcomed back Don Klemt from Las Vegas. Don was looking fit with a nice tan.
Frank D’Acquisto stopped by at 1:30 to let us know he has retired for the 4th time.
Tom Scheller stopped in to get a copy of Racine County Sports HOF booklet of recent SCHS inductees.
Tom Scheller ’69 Still coaching, teaching part-time and looking ageless.
Dan Bentz was at home dealing with an outdoor electrical problem. Jack Kelley tried to help. Analysis: Dan needs an electrician.
Dave Benjamin played pickleball, then went home and showered for his 1pm dr. appointment.
Leaving early: Terry Toll had the washing machine man coming at 1pm.
Gary Schonert had to take the dog for training at 1pm.
Cribbage: Bob Letsch/ George Gordon teamed vs Chris Gorman/ Don Klemt
Letsch/ Gordon won 3 out of 4
Bobby Letsch/ Tom Krug, Dan DeMatthew/ Rick Ropiak and Mike Hyduke/CW played 6 handed.
DeMatthew/ Ropiak won 2, Hyduke/ CW won 1. Letsch/Krug 0-3.
Ropiak had to leave, DeMatthew sat out and Letsch/Krug lost 1st game, won 2nd and were “Skunked” in 3rd by Hyduke/CW.
Bottom line: Bobby Letsch had another rough day at Cribbage - 3rd week in a row. He’s changed partners, chairs, cards & cribbage boards. Nothing working yet for the Rookie!
Angels in the News…
Prayers for the families of departed Angels…
Prayers for those dealing with Health issues:
Chris Gorman rehabbing Ankle Surgery. Good News/Bads News 1/2 attached/ other half not.
Jeff Tarkowski has an issue with his heart monitor and ended up in the hospital.
Dr. Parisa rehabbing and dealing with kidney stones.
Gary Albright had successful prostate cancer surgery.
Brenda White rehabbing form recent chemotherapy treatments.
Dick Peterson dealing with a disabled wire in his pacemaker.
Tim Letsch has a lower leg/knee issue after pickleball.
Pete Schiro needs shoulder surgery.
Rick Jones is in therapy for his shoulder issue.
Jim Poulsen is going to therapy for Carpal Tunnel.
Others needing prayers: Todd Pettit, Bob Garrity, Mike Iggulden, Helen Miller, Tom Konieczko,
Kathy Wirtz, Dave O’Brien, Bob Letsch, Dick Albregts' wife, Rudy Weibel's wife, Tom Krug’s wife, Dan Peterson’s wife having cataract surgery on the other eye.
Important Dates...
Friday, June 10th Ives Grove - Knights of Columbus 4th Annual Golf Outing
Registration: May 20th - $100.00 - Scramble Format
Registration/ Details Contact:
Ken Sack (262-488-3807) Jim Sisak (262-884-9505)
Steve Jansta (262-554-6376) or janstasteve@att.net
Sunday, May 1st - Pancake Day at Roma Lodge contact Mark Mano - mmano2929@gmail.com
Saturday, May 14th - Angel Fest at St Catherine’s
Any questions about Advancement--including Angel Fest - kgardner@sienacatholicschools.org
Kimberly Gardner passed along this form for those who might be interested in volunteering.
Your help is greatly appreciated.
If you have any amount of time to spare, there is the perfect job for you!
We are looking for adults and students over the age of 12 for some of the following:
Ticket sales (for food, beverage)
Food and beverage help
Cribbage and cornhole volunteers (unless you are playing, in which case GREAT!)
Runners (those amazing folks who can help out in a pinch where needed)
Entry sales
Heck, if you love chatting with folks, I can put you in the alumni tent!