SPECIAL THANKS to Lloyd Tremmel who sponsored today's Lunch.
DeRango's Fried Chicken, French Fries, Cole Slaw & Fresh Italian Bread.
Charlie Presta brought a O&H Kringle
Jack Kelley brought a box of Twinkies and a box of Ding Dongs.
Lloyd Tremmel not only sponsored lunch today but brought a LED Sign for Charlie Presta. Charlie made a $50 donation to the Alumni House "Kitty" in thanks for the sign.
Charlie Presta with his new sign from Lloyd Tremmel

Joining Us: Lloyd Tremmel, Pam & Mark Mano, Marty Defatte, Terry Toll,
Mike Lewis, Barb Presser, Tom Konieczko, Bob Letsch, Dan Bentz, Joe Ingrasci,
George Oteman, Jack Kelley, John Ketarkus, Gary Schonert, Alia Onaczynski,
Chelsea Ortsrov, Dan Petersen, Dave O'Brien, Rick Ropiak, Heather Ropiak,
Bill Mueller, Dan Kovara, Joe Woitach, Marie Welsh, Cathy Poulsen, Al Hagopian,
George Gordon, Kory Borek, Tim Letsch, Chris Gorman, Bobby Letsch Jr,
Charlie Presta, Frank D'Acquisto, Dan DeMatthew, Amy DeMatthew,
New Faces............
Barb Presser '51, Bill Mueller '72, Al Hagopian, Charlie Presta "73
Rick Ropiak '87, Heather (Sengenberger) Ropiak '92
UW-Whitewater Track Tristan Ropiak '23 Freshman Hurderler(Racine, Wis./St. Catherine's) added a fourth place finish crossing the finish line in 16.23.
Lloyd Tremmel provided today's photo of our group...........

Hello everyone,
Please enjoy the March Community Newsletter. Have a blessed Holy Week!
Kimberly Gardner Chief Advancement Officer SCR
Memories of the Good Old Days.............
Main Street , Racine Looking North

Lindstrom's Bakery 7th & Main Park Pool
Back in the 50's & 60's.................
Friday Summer Nights - Scooping the Loop - 7pm - 9pm
Wind Point Submarine Races
A & W Drive In - Carol (Rabe) May '59 worked as a car hop
Brusha's - D's Set - Prima Vera
Swimming at Zoo, North and 14th Street Beaches
Playing ball at Community Centers - Racine St, Washington Park, Douglas Park, Lakeview
Ice Skating at Zoo Pond, Washington Park Bowl
Westgate, MidWay, 41 Twin Outdoor Theaters
Church & Y Dances
Roger’s girl friend’s nickname was “Lincoln”
Reason: A number of guys took a shot at her in the balcony at the Venetian
Today's Laugh.............................Ha Ha Ha !!!
April Fools' my Friends
A dad was upset to find his son at home in front of a roaring fire because they didn't have a fireplace!
A cartoonist was found unconscious at home; details are sketchy.
Atheism is a non-prophet organization.
I went to a seafood disco last week... and pulled a mussel.
I lost all my winter weight, now I just have spring rolls.
The future, the present, and the past walked into a bar—things got a little tense.
What do you call a girl with one leg that's shorter than the other? Ilene.
I'm being accused of being a plagiarist—their word, not mine.
A persistent banker won't stop calling me, so I asked him to leave me a loan.
Some people say you look better with glasses—I really can't see it!
The police were called to a daycare yesterday. Apparently, a 2-year-old was resisting a rest.
I couldn't work out how to fix the washing machine, so I threw in the towel.
The one day of the week that eggs are definitely afraid of is Fry-day.
Stay away from people using umbrellas today. They seem to be under the weather.
Did you hear about the human cannonball? Too bad he got fired!
A and C were going to prank their friend… but they just letter B.
A few pranksters broke into the local police station and stole all the lavatory equipment. A spokesperson said, "We have absolutely nothing to go on."
What’s one bone a prankster doesn’t want to break on April Fools’ Day? Their humerus.
How do you keep a fool in suspense? I’ll tell you the answer tomorrow.
What do you call a group of bunnies hopping away from you? A receding hareline.
What kind of pickles do spring flowers like? Daffo-dills.
Table #1: Tim Letsch/ Dave Benjamin 5 - 4, Bob Letsch/ Lloyd Tremmel 3 - 6,
Dan DeMatthew/ Charlie Presta 1 - 8
Dan pointed out - his team won the only game that matters - the last game.
Table #2 Mark Mano/ George Grodon 2 -2 vs Terry Toll/Dave O'Brien 2 -2
Table #3: Frank D'Acquisto/CWood 2 - 0 vs Chris Gorman/ Bobby Letsch Jr 0 - 2.
Each game Frank & CW came back to win from being way down.
Bobby Letsch Jr/ Chris Gorman then lost 2 - 3 to George Gordon/ CWood 3 - 2
In 3 handed Gordon & Wood were 1 - 1 Bobby Letsch Jr was 0 - 2

SPECIAL EVENT......................
* Student Trip..........
We have a group of kids traveling this summer to Ecuador and are raising funds to help offset the costs for students and their families. We are trying to do several small fundraisers, but this is our very first one. This week only, we are selling Spirit Wear Apparel. I have included the link below. If anyone is interested in purchasing an item, please let me know.
Have a blessed evening! Take care,Kris RivasEcuador Spirit Wear
Future Building Addition - South End of SCHS
"Our Time Is Now"
New Addition New Main Entrance New Chapel
• Angels Connecting..................
* Class of '74 will hold its 50th class reunion Saturday, July 20, 2024, at Racine Country Club, 2801 Northwestern Ave. BBall Team members sponsor lunch Monday July 22nd
at the Alumni House......................
For more information, visit the St. Catherine's High School Class of '74 Facebook page, or the "Alumni" tab on the St. Catherine's High School website.
Contact Barb Porcaro (Suprak) - bsuprak@gmail.com or
Jim Rammelt - jimrammelt@yahoo.com.
• Class of '60 meets the last Wednesday of each month at Dynasty restaurant
- contact Renee (Ricchio) Benjamin for details - rsbenjam@sbcglobal.net
• Class of '59 meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month at Castlewood restaurant
- contact Mary (D'acquisto) for details - JWOITACH@yahoo.com
• Class of '58 meets 1st Tuesday of the month at Dynasty restaurant
- contact Karen (Petersen) Verbeten for details - Kverbeten1@wi.rr.com
• Purchase your Angels Items online. Click on......
Angels in the News...............
Congratulations to Abby (Garchek) Jaramillo '94
Racine News..........
• Prayers for the families of departed Angels and Friends......
• Prayers for Alumni & Friends dealing with Health issues:
Dave Letrenta fell and has bruises & cuts - off for three months rehabbing
Joe Ingrasci is Cancer Nodules on his Lung - treatment in the near future
Marcia Pfost '66 H (Pat Nielsen's good friend) dealing with MAC infection (lung disease along with fluid in her lung) and Edema in her legs & heart issues.
Dan Peterson Hip Replacement was a success - in Rehab.
Dick Heidenreich broken leg is healing in Rehab - now home.
Bob Broihier visited with Jim Poulsen on the phone last Monday. He seemed upbeat and willing to visit. He hopes others will call as well. April a call would be nice. - 262-497-9249
Jim Poulsen is dealing with Cataract Surgery in each eye.
Terry Toll needs to get Blood Sugar Level Lowered
Bob "Worm" Stanton is in a Florida hospital for problems related to his Urinary Track. Text to his "Pies" phone Linda at 414-841-3460 - Thanks Jim Mascari
Special Prayers needed for:
Chris & Sue Gorman's grandson Eli, Rick Jones, Walt Strini, Jim Poulsen, John Hansen, Tom Clazmer, Don Heck, Jack Kelley, Dan Bentz, Tom Konieczko, Ken Kusters, Tom Pulda, Jeff Pulda, Dave O'Brien, George Gordon, Bob Letsch, Bob Garrity, Kathy (Hackl) Wirtz,
Mickey Postorino, John Miller, Helen (Willmes) Miller, Mike O'Brien, Dick Albregts' wife, Rudy Weibel's wife, Tom Krug’s wife, Del Alton's wife, Marty Defatte's wife, Bill Halberstadt's wife, Dan Peterson's wife, Pat (Peters) Obernberger, Dick Graceffa's wife Peg
Important Dates.................................
Mother's Day - Sunday May 12, 2024
Memorial Day - Monday May 27. 2024 - Alumni House CLOSED
Father's Day - Sunday June 16, 2024
Independence Day - Thursday July 4th, 2024
Schonert's Annual Picnic - Monday Aug 26, 2024
Labor Day - Monday Sept 2nd, 2024 - Alumni House CLOSED
St Catherine's ANGELS..................
2024 Summer CampsAre you looking for something for your child to do this summer? If so, checkout some of our summer camp offerings at www.spicket.events/schsangels. All registration and payment is completed through website.
Home Game Protocols and ProceduresRacine St. Catherine’s Home Game Protocols and Procedures
Upcoming Angel Athletic Events |
Be Safe - Be Healthy - Be Positive