Volunteer Alumni Supporting a Safe SCHS Neighborhood
1220 Villa Street • Racine, WI 53403
World Premiere of the Alumni House "Stayin' Alive Video"

How FOA Supports SCHS
We provide SCHS with a continuing connection to the time and talents of alumni volunteers. We welcome Siena Catholic Schools and SCHS administration, staff, foundation, alumni, and fundraising committees to utilize the Alumni House. It is a place created by Angels for Angels. Please accept our open invitation to join us for lunch and a few laughs any Monday throughout the year between 9:30-12::30. We normally eat at 11:30. Stay for a game of Cribbage after lunch.
How You Can Help
Friends of Angels Ltd. needs your financial support to retain ownership of the Alumni House, a valuable resource for Siena Catholic Schools and the SCHS family, alumni, neighborhood and community. Read the story of how our group was formed and see the history of the building's renovation by Charlie's Angels. So many people came together to build it. We hope as many will help us sustain it.
Utilize the Alumni House
SCHS alumni are cordially invited to use the Alumni House for committee meetings, special get-togethers or
special occasions. Each year, the building is made available to SCHS standing committees, as well as, class reunion groups, who enjoy seeing the history of their SCHS experience documented in the photo collages and mementos that hang in the Alumni office. You may contact Chuck Wood or St. Catherine’s main office to set up your visit or meeting date/s.
We welcome your thoughts and suggestions.
You may contact us by email.